Monday, December 2, 2013

Sticky Board and M-Edge

Sticky Board: Instead of using tack boards and worrying about the tacks falling on the floor and the students stepping on them, this is a safer, more cost effective display option. They are made by getting old boxes or any cardboard and spraying it with adhesive. The cardboard can be decorated with duct tape or anything feasible. The papers displayed will stick onto the board. Most adhesive lasts for about two weeks, and then you spray the board again and it's back to new! The $3-$5 bottle of spray adhesive lasts for many sprays, too!

AHA Moment: Students can make these boards and sell them to teachers as a fundraiser


AHA Moment: Each student can make these for themselves and display their work throughout the year on it to self assess.

M-Edge: This is an iPad case that is great for the classroom because the iPad can literally be thrown across a concrete room and will bounce and be fine! The case also has grip on it to help hold the iPad. It's only about $30.

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